10 November 2008

Mondays' Mirage - 1

This is a new series that is on air from today on this backbencher's page.

Come Monday, here would be a post card with a promise of an adventurous week ahead.

A Monday represents a horizon, a dawn.
A Monday brings with it a new Hope, new energy.
A Monday assures a new beginning, kind benevolence!
A Monday opens up an avenue of possibilities, an avenue of opportunities.
Well Always.... there is a tomorrow. And Monday brings that tomorrow to life, to today!

Monday shows a Mirage.... that comes alive on the Backbencher's page, from today.

People, Have a Thunderous week ahead!

@in the pic: A new attempt of recreating life on a gory land of Dhanushkoti. Dhanushkoti represents an end, as well as a new beginning. Lets start the Monday with an iota of captivation and dreams unlimited! Get on to it!


Anonymous said...

dhanushkoti pic. nodi khushi aaythu, srik.

allige hogo bayake bahala ide.

thanks for the pic.

wishing the series a grand success!

Srik said...

Thanks Bellur :)

mouna said...

hope it continues for a long time to come!! it'll be sad if it goes into hiding from time to time like u.

Srik said...

SK, I hope the same too

Prashanth M said...

Moody Monday & Mondays' Mirage :)