09 May 2007

Welcome Doctor

Friends, I feel happy to announce that a learned man, a physician and a teacher in medicine has agreed to contribute articles to the backbancher's corner.

Welcome on board Doctor. We are honoured to have you here!!

Lets know about the nature of articles being posted here, in his own words...

I, as a physician and a teacher of Medicine for over three decades, have taught hundreds of medical students and young physicians and trained dozens of trainers.

Traditions, customs, or rituals have been followed by our people since ages, often without raising objections or questions by most of us. It is also observed that ever since they were started, there have been people who contradicted or defied or at least were indifferent and turned a deaf ear to them. Let us now, before dubbing them as false or myths, try to take a fresh look with an open mind and try to unravel the mystery or hidden meanings of these traditions or beliefs and try to see if they served any purpose at all.

Let us just light a lamp and throw a little light on these shaded areas using our scientific mind. We all know that the necessity is the mother of inventions. Let us examine as to what was the need to formulate and implement these traditions. We will also discard, if they are found to be meaningless and absurd.

It was my inquiring mind, from the beginning of my college career, which kept me interested in traditions, (although as school children I also did not like them much), and made me choose a different angle, as I learnt the basics in Medical science.

It was the doctors’ logic, philosophy and a problem solving mind which helped me to see the truth in many, if not all, of the traditions that I observed in my life.

I thought it is time that I shared with you, my explanations, concepts, and analytical conclusions, for the so-called false or blind beliefs and attribute a meaning to some of the traditions in our rich culture and heritage.

I also feel that there is an imperative need for more and more people to come out with scientific explanations and tell the scientific world the importance of looking at the old with an open mind and save the treasure. I have known that good things are there in many other religions and faiths and often similarly sidelined.

Dr. Rajan.

P. S. First post in the series will be up on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Dr.Rajan looking forward for useful wrtieups throwing open many issues. eagerly waiting for friday the d day
Thank you srik for bringing this new writer. novel way of using expertise available in different fields for sharing their views and we all can get enriched by their experince

Anonymous said...

Hey, This is Great, Srik!

We readers and fellow bloggers are honored to have you among us, Dr Rajan. We look forward to thought provoking posts from you.

Thanks Srik, for getting the good doctor to contribute to your page.

Anonymous said...

Good to have a Dr in our circle.
I have lot of questions, Can i ask doc.

ರಾಜೇಶ್ ನಾಯ್ಕ said...

I am looking forward to Dr.Rajan's article.

Thanks backbencher...for giving us a chance to read professional views.

Anonymous said...

great news srikanth.
am sure the doctor will have a lots of queries on back pain, RSI and stuff.
very thoughtful of you to have got the doc in!
thanks and best wishes

Anonymous said...

Look forward to read your articles Doc,

Thanks Srik for the initiative....


Srik said...

Yes yes... we are pleased to have him here, and I guess he takes all our queries and satisfies us with his knowledge.

But one thing, he is not a regular on internet. So, it might take a bit longer than expected to get his replies. We need to wait for the same aste. Nevertheless, we will get expert analysis and answer for all our queries.

Thanks for the support.